He has always been my dad's favorite singer, so his music is part of my memories of growing up. Certain songs remind me of being eight, eighteen or, now, twenty-eight. Fortunately, I love Bob Dylan's music as well. I was able to see him once in concert, and I find myself turning to his CDs again and again.
Happy birthday, Mr. Zimmerman!
Photo from bobdylan.com.
One of the greatest blessings in my life is that this has completely changed as we've grown up.
My sister is now one of my very best friends. We are opposites in many ways (although we share the same laugh) but she understands me better than possibly anyone on earth -- and she still loves me nevertheless. You really can’t ask for more than that. And you know how when you see or hear something and have to tell the one person who would appreciate it because no one else would really get it? Well, she's usually that person for me.
Since she’s the younger sister, I’m afraid she doesn’t know how much I look up to her and how much I learn from her. I’ll have to make sure she knows because I can’t imagine life without her in it.
Photo by my mom.
And what an interesting show! I find the 1950s and early '60s fascinating. The assumed roles people held are starting to crack and they’re beginning to see other possibilities. The program, which is set in a Manhattan ad agency, does a great job of showing the differences between men and women at the time, as well as the differences between working women and those who stay at home.
On a much lighter note, it’s a treat to look at the fashion of the day. I love the fitted tops and the pencil and full skirts. So ladylike! And oh my goodness, the furniture. The sofas in the executives’ offices are ridiculously amazing. And the sideboards and consoles that serve as office bars (seriously, did people really drink hard liquor all day at work in this period?) are gorgeous.
While I wouldn’t trade where I am now to live in 1960, I'm definitely enjoying this intriguing, sometimes dark, sometimes glamorous glimpse into the past.
Photo from here.