Monday, July 11, 2011

Moody Monday

I had a sort of wonderfully selfish weekend. Since my husband was away at a conference, I had a fun girls night out, went to brunch with my sister and our two best childhood friends, and cuddled with the pup while reading and watching movies. Now, it's Monday morning and a huge storm has rolled in. Just like having a weekend to myself every now and again, I like when a thunderstorm disrupts a sunny summer once in awhile. The sky turns dark and thunder shakes the house, and everything feels a little mysterious and moody. It's not a bad way to start a new week.

Photos from here, here and here


  1. Sounds like such a lovely weekend! It's nice having a weekend just for yourself from time to time. :)

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! I love times like that to just relax and be on your own schedule!

  3. That second photo is amazing. I love the idea of curling up with a good movie and a pup and just having some "me" time. :)

  4. ah, now that sounds like a sweet weekend.
    the storm is better appreciated after sunny periods.... we're waiting for those.

  5. I love weekends like that. It's always so nice to have time to yourself! Happy Monday :)

  6. I love thunderstorms, (at least in Oregon: they aren't too scary:-) xoxo

  7. There's something really beautiful and almost poetic about thunderstorms, and these images are just amazing.
    Ronnie xo
