Today, I feel overwhelmingly grateful for home.
Not just my physical house, although I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how much I do love it. I love how we're little by little fixing it up and making it our own. I love how it's this oasis of comfort no matter what's going on in the rest of the world. All day, I kept thinking about how I wanted to walk in and curl up in a blanket by the fireplace while it's chilly and drizzly outside.
But as much as I crave being in my house, it's the others that also call it home that are really the best. My husband and pup make my life so wonderful, and I can't think of much nicer than spending time with them at home. Whether cuddled inside or romping in the backyard -- as they're doing in this photo -- it doesn't matter. What matters is that we're here.

Since we've been away the past few weekends, he and I have expressed how much we are looking forward to this week and weekend, just being at home together with the dog. We've been carefully guarding the upcoming weekend, not saying yes to any invitations out just yet and not making too many plans. I think we both recognize how much the three of us just want to be together ... and be together at home. And I think that's a beautiful thing.
Photo by me.