Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HIs & Hers

My husband reacts quite strongly whenever we happen to wear similar clothes. If we're about to go out and he sees that we're both in, say, jeans and a black shirt, he will sigh and head back to the closet to change. While I'm not suggesting that we go out in matching outfits, there is something appealing about looking like we complement one another. Maybe we could go for looks like these from Banana Republic:

Photos from here.


  1. That's so funny- my boyfriend does the same thing. We were both wearing plaid shirts last weekend, and he immediately took his off to just his t-shirt so we didn't match!

    I really like their menswear, though it would take a special guy to pull that second one off!

  2. Only true men can wear cardigans.

    I love a man in a cardie :)

  3. You girls are both so right! I think a lot of guys have more narrow fashion comfort zones than most of us ladies. But when they get it right, they really do : )

  4. My hubby is the SAME way. If he notices that we are dressed similarly...he just rolls his eyes with disgusts but it usually isn't enough to make him change :) I say...great minds think alike! :)

  5. I think so too - love the dash of print in the his and hers images.

  6. it's the same in my house too! why do husbands always think we're deliberately trying to copy them?? hilarious

  7. So funny! I wouldn't want us to look like twins but these couples all complement each other perfectly! Thanks for your comment over on my blog, have a lovely weekend!:)
