Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting it Together

Recently, while in the car with our mother and me, my sister made an announcement: "2010 is the year I'm going to get my shit together." We laughed, but when she encouraged us to make the same committment we admitted we were intrigued and agreed.

What exactly getting our act together means isn't perfectly clear. We decided it means a lot of things: decluttering our houses, getting organized, taking care of ourselves and our families, deciding what matters and letting go of what doesn't, simplifying and making time for what we love. Our mom has been teaching us how to cook simple meals, and the three of us got pedicures the other day. At home, I've been working on some projects that I'd neglected, and I'm trying to get things runnings smoothly.

Of course, I've taken things too far, tried to do everything at once and completely stressed out myself and my husband. That's not the point of the exercise. But it's a process, right. I anticipate it being an on-going, constantly changing process, and that's okay.

No matter the form, it's empowering to take on this challenge, and the three of us have already noticed some benefits. It feels good to get it together!

Photo from here.


  1. Hi Katie!
    What a great idea. I repeatedly tell myself to get my shit together haha. Thanks for the comment on my blog - it's much appreciated.Loving the look of yours right now - i'll be following!
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Thanks, Nancy! It's a work in progress, isn't it, getting one's self together? But worth it!

    I love your blog and will definitely be checking back in!
